Gambia flagGambia

We aren’t active in Gambia yet

Would you like to help us get started?

We’re really glad you’re here, and we’d love to help you if we can. What brought you to this page?

Well, you’ve come to the right place for that! We have a lot of resources, a global network of trainers, and an ever-growing community on social media.

We are always looking for catalysts who are willing to get TWNAF off the ground in a new country. If you are willing to put your hand up and become part of the TWNAF global story, please fill in the form below.

Because TWNAF is a decentralised movement, it is quite possible that someone with passion and drive has already started TWNAF in your country and we just haven’t heard about it yet. If you know that TWNAF is active in your country, please let us know by completing the form below.

Your suggestions will go to our team, who will add it to the page if it helps us tell the story of TWNAF in Gambia