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Founded in 2015 in response to global demand for a process that helps fathers re-connect with their school-going sons and walk with them through these most critical formative years, The Journey is a rite of passage that cultivates authentic manhood in boys, through coaching Godly values and beliefs related to masculinity and leadership. There are intentionally-designed trials and challenges throughout the program to help the boys discover their character, culminating in a rite-of-passage ceremony to celebrate their entry into young adulthood.

We’re passionate about reconnecting the hearts of fathers to their sons. As one wife and mother put it:

My son was at a very vulnerable age in our community, and was becoming increasingly rebellious. My husband and I were very worried, so when he heard about The Journey [at a TWNAF training] he signed up immediately and started the journey with his son.

One evening, halfway through the course, I saw something I hadn’t seen in years that left me in tears. My son had become incredibly private and closed off, never allowing anyone into his room. That evening I saw my son sitting on his bed with his dad, having a chat.

I’ve noticed how my son is becoming more responsible in his choices and actions, and is really starting to show maturity.

A grateful wife and mother

The Journey isn’t a single event; it’s a journey in manhood. Over the course of the journey, we do the following:

  • Give fathers the tools to engage with their sons
  • Train fathers to take up their role as active, intentional leaders in their homes by taking them through a Level 1 TWNAF training
  • Help the fathers build an atmosphere at home that facilitates the transition from boyhood to manhood
  • Coach the child using sessions and practical activities
  • Use rite-of-passage events for major milestones in the child’s life
  • Hold a final “graduation” event for the father and son when they complete the Journey.

Get in touch with one of the Journey facilitators to find out more

Denzil Bredenkamp

071 019 8386

Richard Walker

082 732 9507

Sampie Bredell

084 328 9323